Happy 2011
I spent New Year's revamping my computer to Windows 7 cough *nerd* cough
Yeah, anyways, I've kinda figured out that this is basically my random thoughts and crap, so yeah. I'm supposed to be doing my myth project for my English LA class (I have on in Spanish too) with my partner who I know is not going to do anything, so right now I'm in bored literary mode, so here's an excerpt;
"The morning fog brought with it the sounds of three small, wide-eyed peeping owlets in Mother Owl’s twiggy nest. Winter had subsided as swiftly as the quickly moving water flowing in the ideally clear streams and creeks that were scattered about the damp wood. The hastily impending arrival of spring also meant that the bears were gradually creeping out of their prolix of sleep, emaciated and willing to eat all that moves, or doesn’t, in their path that sanguinely isn’t unreasonably poisonous." (c) Aphiba
My favorite font is Arial, and so I apparently like the little mermaid according to my computer teacher and YouTube. I'm trying to learn Morse code for my friend.
Did I mention that Mortal Miss is back and on sale? Weird, huh.
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