Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Hey Dollies,
Okay, looking at all of Faye's numberous posts in a row (like 7) its obvious that she either no-lifed Stardoll for a weekend or I just haven't been on in a while.. to be honest its a bit of both so for my Tuesday night post I'll give you something fun.


Don't you feel like stardoll is trying to tell you something? Maybe they made a mistake or...

It looks like your average everyday Killah t-shirt to me.. of a purple fluffy puppy but.. oh wait, thats an interesting title. 'Kinky T Shirt' .. wait WHAT?? KINKY? HOLY CRAP!

For those of you who know what kinky is.. you'd be laughing now, for those of you who don't... here's the meaning... taken from a dictionary :)

Is this a message from Stardoll or did one of their 14 year old kids hack into the system? We will never know... Its more than likely going to be fixed soon so.. buy your kinky t shirt today! :D

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard



Aphiba / Faye said...

Oh Sophie, don't be mean, they're spread out over a period of time. Duh :)

Sophie said...

hahaha :p Its still pretty funny XD