Sunday, November 21, 2010

Doncamatic By Phi

Having pondered the idea of making my own design collection, I have done this, with ridiculous prices.

As you should know by know by know, I get bored... A lot. So, now I will tell you that if you decide that you want a "Lilies" patterned dress, if you mention the word "Un-Bored" in your order, you shall receive 3 sd off the dress.  But that's not all folks, if you stalk this blog and Doncamatic By Phi, and you mention it in your order, you can receive another stardollar off your purchase, this one for any item you please. 

Finally figured out how to use GIMP.  That's M_Themis.  Made the hair myself.

That's me, first try at hair.... I kinda suck at GIMP. Oh well.  I've made a grand total of 4, all called "Nude Face" because makeup is too hard to deal with.

Will post something more interesting later... As no one really seems to care about what I do anyways...

╩ Phi

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