Thursday, April 19, 2012

I just don't understand....

At first I was going to write this on another blog, but I think I'd rather put it here for the time being. I am going to sound a bit harsh in the next paragraphs, but I feel I need to be on my opinion. Please, I would love to hear your opinion.

So just a question, what do you think about the 'questionable' users on stardoll? Their style isn't really describable and their medolls and presentations can be pretty creepy. I don't want to name them, but all I can say is that I am concerned towards the younger girls that may come across their page and get scarred. I honestly don't think they are all rude and mean in real life, but I honestly think they belong on some sort of PG-13 stardoll. I think it is their right to be on the internet but some of their 'suggested themes' should be elsewhere. Personally it's disturbing, and inappropriate for the site.

I tend to avoid them as much as possible, even though I am a bit curious what they do on this site anyway. Please, share.

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