Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Oh, Yes, I'm Alive

Considering that this is my blog, at the moment I feel so inclined to write like the blabbering, exhausted, boy crazy, young girl that I am, or at least should be, at the moment.

I've been gone for a long time, if you haven't noticed yet. For sticklers like me, I've been gone since March 25th, making my absence span for 2 weeks or so. I really don't know what else to say, other than we all need to thank Aurelieke92 for the awesome new banner above. 

Here's the pick of the week, no outfits this time though. I will admit to being a touch on the stressed side, due to having been gone so much.

Happy Wednesday :)



Sophie said...

Finally! <3

Flowerpin said...

I love when you said "write like the blabbering, exhausted, boy crazy, young girl that I am" LOL! XD