Sunday, March 06, 2011

Awesome Sophie and A Tartan Tale

Hey, after Sophie's post I don't think I can do much to follow that up. That was awesome. I'm sorry that I've been lazy lately, I seriously couldn't tell you what I've been up to if I wanted to.  I don't even know what I've been up to.
Crap. Of all people, I should know this.

Alright, I was bored, so here's my FAIL version of M.A.C. 's "A Tartan Tale" for Stardoll

I crashed Blogger last time I tried to do this ^-^

Base face, this is the superstar one, so you can change the lips to some other stupid expression if you're not SS

Luxe of some neon color coat 1

Bright coat 2

Here I put some darker DOT over it because all the bright made my eyes hurt

Add gloss.  I swear I won't accidentally say "ass" again like last time.

Add over the top black... Um, stuff?

Edit- Mascara... OMFG BRAIN

Add black eyeliner under each eye

Add it under the next eye?  I don't know why this is here...

Add a light pink eye kohl under each eye

Do... Something

Put a touch of orange on the corners of both eyes

Cover it with white so it'll blend because the model looks like a porcelain doll and is really frickin' pale

Add a bit of pink next to the orange, I don't know why but it makes it look better

Add brown eye kohl where that random, ugly line was for no apparent reason

Add a dark blush

Blend at the top with a medium blush

Scribble (as I always love to do) with that almost white blush in DOT.  I love that one.

Add BIG hair

Or this one and you're done!  Whoop-de-do!

That was the original.  Doesn't she look like porcelain?

I'm getting traumatized by my friend who is saying that she wants to sleep with Dwight Schrute from The Office, otherwise this would be longer.


That was bad...

-Phi the invincible

The Dwight of the day


Now it's Stanley

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