Valentines day. The day where girls become jaded and nothing becomes good enough for the rest of the year. Expectations are higher, and love is in the air. Originally a day to celebrate love for each other, customary practices are sending one's significant other a gift, chocolates, flowers, cards, 'I hate valentine's day' parties, punching hearts, bitching, etc.
In commemoration of this event, Stardoll has released fairly pricey makeup lines in DOT and DOREE
The graphics are actually quite poor, for example, when you pick one up you get a low very quality version as shown below.

Actually, when you pick them up they're serious crap considering that that's probably Stardoll's default pencil pre-color decision. I'd think that, considering they're a large corporation, they would be sure to review all their items for flaws before release. At least this lets us do easy photo shop to them.
Stardoll has given us eyebrow pencils, so now if you feel so inclined, you can have fuchsia eyebrows! Yay! Unnatural!
They have also re-released lip liners in various unnatural, pointless colors for every other not Haute Couture day. They are very un-versatile and slightly tacky. The blushes don't do the collection any justice either. Kinda bright and hard to wear.
Doree has new faces for this collection, making it look very tack and disorganized, like my posts, jk, no really....
This collection would have been a lot more successful if they had bothered to make highlighters out of all the colors and had used the default Doree face.
Named "Deepening Rose", this vibrant pink color lacks in relation to its name due to the non-rosy hue.This color is more of a hot pink that's not too light, making it a good punk rock color.
Killer Carmine red. Good for lips, not good for a blush, which, strangely, it comes in. This color is okay. Neither here, nor there, really
Electric Fuchsia. This color resembles something the stereotypical Tokyan would wear. Kinda too bright for me. Maybe something more to a tacky new member who just turned superstar rather than for a more refined style.
Violet's Hope better hope it actually gets used for something. This uber bright color attracts all the attention to itself like the color above unless muted. What can I say about this color? Not much. Good for purple smoky eyes, very bright, modern disco, not a color I would ever really wear, maybe you can find a way to use it.
Cousin to Violet's Hope, Violet Mystery isn't really a mystery at all. It's dark purple. Get over it.
Royal Embrace is the name of this shade of blue purple color. This isn't a bad color for blending blues and purples, but other than that, like I am with most of these colors, I am unable to tell you really what you would use them for.
This color is called Dusk's Kiss. Whatever that's supposed to mean, I don't know. This is an off black tone that is good if you don't want true black or want something to look washed out. I have no idea why they put this in lipstick form.
This was a makeup look I created with only the valentines day makeup. Tutorial will be made if requested :)
I really wasn't into this post today. I'm going to post a tutorial.
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