Friday, February 17, 2012

Your Dirty Face

 Faye here, making you read, but with more pretty pictures for you.


Sported by a growing array of "elite" members, the dirty face look is becoming more and more popular by the member. Dirt is supposedly a girls worst nightmare, but obviously, whoever said that has been painfully mistaken. 2012 has become about breaking the rules of fashion. New, unexpected, creative styles are appearing out of the dusty, virtual terrain. This dirty, dusted look gives off a rouge, rough and tough vibe.

Modern action films are beginning to feature stronger, more assertive women. Films like Sucker Punch, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Hunger Games, Hanna and more are excellent examples of women who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty in exchange for what they want.

Achieving this look is in fact not too difficult. The key to success is in the reddish brown, bedraggled cheeks.To obtain this look with a brown blush, either simply layer the blush, or even better, place a stroke of a redish, pink, or orangey tinted rouge underneath the brown. I found that a stroke of Burnt Orange Blush followed by the Rose Blush, and finally blended by the Natura Faces blush created the most aesthetically pleasing look, though the look was lighter and had a more bruised effect. The most important part of attaining this look is to not be afraid to layer the blushes and use a large amount of them.


Anonymous said...

Cool :) Only superstar can get blush though.. :(

Aphiba / Faye said...

The Natura Faces used to be Non Superstar.... I think the6y changed it though. If you earn stardollars through their offers you could also earn enough for makeup and blush.